Aqui você encontrará notícias, dicas de sites, cursos, músicas, eventos e atividades que estejam ligadas a projetos de Jornal e Educação e Jovens Leitores.

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Journalists Join the Education Field

Compartilhamos texto do site Editor & Publisher sobre como os leitores estão buscando cada vez mais os jornalistas para aprenderem. De educadores não-oficiais jornalistas em vários lugares/jornais do mundo estão começando a levar cada vez mais a sério sua função e passam a dar cursos e oferecer conteúdo gratuito a leitores. Boa leitura!

By: Nu Yang

Interested in learning how the federal government budgets or operates? How about mastering the art of investigative journalism or finding out if you own a “zombie computer”? Readers turn to journalists to learn something new, whether it’s to understand the latest government happenings or the newest technology trends. Now, journalists are taking their unofficial roles as educators to another level by offering classes and providing free content that will inform readers.

The Washington Post’s MasterClasses ( are online, self-paced courses written by newsroom experts to enhance and share the in-depth knowledge of Post staff members.

“(The classes) extend the power of the newsroom and combine (the journalists’) expertise with the benefits of Web-based learning, and we took great care during development to not create a ‘talking heads’ lecture to computer audiences,” said Candy Lee, vice president of marketing for the Post and chief adviser and developer of the program. Instead, journalists share their knowledge with custom content, using interactive maps, videos, and simulations.

Across the pond, U.K. newspaper The Guardian launched its MasterClass program ( in January with face-to-face courses in film, writing, food and drink, photography, and other subjects. Instructors include designers, published authors, and an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter.

Patrick Keogh, head of The Guardian’s program, said when choosing topics, the paper looked at different areas of journalism that would appeal to the cultural arts. “The Guardian brand is linked to education,” he said. “It only made sense to provide a public program that is close to what we represent as an organization.”

Australian website The Conversation ( is an independent nonprofit news service edited by professional journalists. The free content is provided by academics and researchers.

“As the traditional advertising-based media model has imploded, we have seen a growing void for credible content,” said Jack Rejtman, Conversation co-founder and general manager. “Readers increasingly are asking themselves, ‘Where can I go for trusted information?’ Our decision to turn to universities, in some ways, was obvious.”

Readers are also invited to pitch articles by suggesting ideas they would like to see covered, volunteering to write an article if he or she is qualified, or nominating someone else.

Fonte: Editor & Publisher

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