Aqui você encontrará notícias, dicas de sites, cursos, músicas, eventos e atividades que estejam ligadas a projetos de Jornal e Educação e Jovens Leitores.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

Notícias sobre o Prêmio Mundial Jovens Leitores

Veja abaixo, notícias do Prêmio Mundial Jovens Leitores, da Associação Mundial de Jornais e Editores de Notícias (WAN-IFRA). A premiação acontece durante o  63º World Newspaper Congress e o 18º World Editors Forum, da Associação Mundial de Jornais e Editores de

Notícias (WAN-IFRA), em Viena - Áustria, de 10 a 15/10.

O prêmio foi concedido a 24 vencedores em diversas categorias, que procuraram, a partir de seus projetos, atrair jovens leitores para os jornais, ser parceiro na educação, ajudar a mudar a realidade de um lugar, estimular a leitura e a reflexão, etc

O Brasil teve três projetos premiados. Eles fazem parte do Programa Jornal e Educação da Associação Nacional de Jornais: Projeto Ler e Pensar, do jornal Gazeta do Povo e Instituto GRPCOM, de Curitiba/PR, ganhou o primeiro lugar na categoria Programas de Jornal e Educação; Projeto A Gazeta na Sala de Aula, do jornal A Gazeta, de Vitória/ES, ganhou o segundo lugar na categoria Programas Jornal e Educação e Projeto Vamos Ler, do Jornal da Manhã, de Ponta Grossa/PR, ganhou uma Menção Especial na categoria Celular.

Fonte das notícias abaixo e link no qual você pode acompanhar tudo que está acontecendo nos eventos acima citados:

Teach your children well – with newspapers
Zeitung in der Schule (Newspaper in the School) is an initiative of the Austrian newspaper publishers association to educate children about the use of media.

Thomas Wallner, representative of the program, is happy to be at the Info Services Expo at the World Editors Forum: "It is great to see that international visitors are interested in the concept. Especially because we are not owned by a particular newspaper." It is important that kids are able to compare different newspapers and learn critical thinking through the use of media.

Master class in engaging young readers

There are certain achievements that are just distant dreams for many newspapers, such as a readership base that is mostly under 30 years old. Impossible? DetEksi, the youth supplement of the Indonesian newspaper Jawa Pos, proves that it’s not.

(Photo: A crowd of some 40 supporters celebrates the supplement's Young Reader Award. Fourth from left in front row, Director Azrul Ananda holds the trophy.)
The daily youth supplement has proved that it is possible for a print newspaper to engage with a young community with great success.
The supplement is aimed towards the large market of young readers in Indonesia – 40% of the county’s population is under 30 years of age – and it does so by tapping into the huge numbers of young people interested in journalism.
DetEksi is staffed largely by university students, who work on a paid, part-time basis to produce a supplement that is made by young people for young people. The publication asks controversial questions of young people in regular surveys, posing questions like “When did you first start having sex?” and “Who do you hate most, Mom or Dad?”, to more than 1.7 million students over 11 years. This attitude sometimes attracted complaints, but in the words of the DetEski founder, “We kept going, we didn’t care”.
It worked.
DetEksi has a popular youth basketball league and runs a journalism convention and an annual birthday celebration that has become one of the biggest music events in Indonesia.
The brand is sponsored by several large companies, including Honda Motors, but refuses sponsorship from tobacco and alcohol companies. The paper can afford to be selective; the  brand is so big that DetEski can bring top professional basketball players from the USA to Indonesia and give students the chance to interview them.  
In short, DetEksi is a master class in how to cultivate a newspaper brand to engage young people.

Young Reader Awards

Today's presentation of 24 awards for innovation and excellence in attracting and providing for young readers honours some astoundingly bold projects from around the globe.

The Young Reader Newspaper of the Year and winner of the Enduring Excellence Awards, Jawa Pos of Indonesia, turns out with a 40-strong group of supporters to celebrate the triumph. The paper has delivered consistently excellent service for young people, providing a daily youth section, which has led to 51% of their readership being under 30 years old. The paper also provides activities outside of print, such as a basketball league for young people.
Other community initiatives that are recognised include bike-athons held by I-Next India; SEED, an ecological seed-planting scheme operated by The Hindu of India; and the media labs of the Portugese Diario di Noticias.
The Wall Street Journal receives the top editorial award for its investigative journalism. WSJ headed an investigation into the way in which children’s online data was tracked and sold to advertisers. As a result, laws were passed to prohibit tracking of children’s online activity without parental consent.

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