Como a mídia (jornais) está tornando claro para as crianças os conflitos no Oriente Médio? Veja alguns exemplos!
Le Journal des Enfants did not make the events in the Middle East a top story for the week, but covered it from several angles over several weeks with a link from Page One (pictured at left).
For example, in our issue of January 20 (the first of the year dedicated to Tunisia), we presented a chronology of the country with a map. To organize the explanation of the facts, we used questions and answers.
On 3 and 10 February, we put the spotlight on Egypt, which was experience a revolution modeled on the events in Tunisia, although the context is different. Several angles are addressed (the views of leaders of other countries, the impact on tourism, who are these Muslim Brothers who could come to power, etc.)..
Finally, in our issue of 17 February, we chose to write about the ancient Egyptian treasures that are threatened by looters during the demonstrations. This is another angle that will interest young readers, enthusiasts of the Pharaohs and the pyramids of Egypt.
The Egypt story was no different, with each paper handling it in a manner appropriate to the age group of the audience. The story made the front page in early February.
BRAZIL – Zero Hora editorial page includes summary by and for children (7 Feb.)
What they did: The team of Zero Hora's Opinion Page asked a 10-year-old member of the paper's Kids' Reader Council to summarize for young readers the editorial of the day. In addition, she shared her own vision about the main text, which condemns the press repression in Egypt.
Why: This move was a continuation of the paper's philosophy of Total Youth Think that integrates content for the young in the normal columns of the paper. A "For your Child Read" sidebar regularly translates complex issues into a more comprehensible form for children. The editorial appeared on the right side of the editorial page, accompanied by the "For Your child to read" logo
FRANCE - Le Journal des Enfants weekly for children ages 8 to 14 (20 Jan. - 17 Feb.)
Le Journal des Enfants did not make the events in the Middle East a top story for the week, but covered it from several angles over several weeks with a link from Page One (pictured at left).
What they did and why: We strive to treat information in a neutral way, without taking sides, and in a concise way, concentrating on the essentials. We use simple words, short sentences, bearing in mind what children may or may not know (that Cairo is the capital of Egypt, for example.) The aim is to help children understand a news item that too quickly on television and radio for them to comprehend.
For example, in our issue of January 20 (the first of the year dedicated to Tunisia), we presented a chronology of the country with a map. To organize the explanation of the facts, we used questions and answers.
The following week (January 27), we chose a more original angle, "the money of dictators, " which also explained the anger of the population.
On 3 and 10 February, we put the spotlight on Egypt, which was experience a revolution modeled on the events in Tunisia, although the context is different. Several angles are addressed (the views of leaders of other countries, the impact on tourism, who are these Muslim Brothers who could come to power, etc.)..
Finally, in our issue of 17 February, we chose to write about the ancient Egyptian treasures that are threatened by looters during the demonstrations. This is another angle that will interest young readers, enthusiasts of the Pharaohs and the pyramids of Egypt.
FRANCE - Play Bac Presse dailiesfor children ages 6 to 9 (Mon Petit Quotidien), 10-13 (Mon Quotidien) and 14 and up (l’Actu) -- 1 Feb. and 15 Feb
Play Bac Presse, which publishes three dailies for children in French and one weekly in English, concentrates on doing real journalism for children, covering all news of interest to children. It also relies on members of its youth audience to select the day’s main news stories.
The Egypt story was no different, with each paper handling it in a manner appropriate to the age group of the audience. The story made the front page in early February.
L’actu, for secondary level students, had a general news approach with protest photos on the cover and “”five questions to understand the situation” in a middle two-page spread: Is the situation comparable to that in Tunisia? How have other countries reacted? Is there an opposition to Moubarak? Did the regime practice censorship? Who are the looters?
Mon Quotidien, for primary level students, concentrated its Front Page coverage on the looting at the Cairo Museum, which is filled with antiquities. The inside pages included details about the problem and what the authorities were doing to prevent further theft and damage and general background about Egypt, plus a map.
On the 15th of February, each paper devoted the first three pages to the victory over Mubarek, representing 3/4 of the space in the paper for the youngest audience, Headlines in looked to the future "A revolution achieved," for the oldest readers of L'actu with "The Egyptian Army, a guide to democracy? "The people of Egypt throw out their president," for the middle group with the inside asking "Soon free elections?" For the youngest group (up to age 9) reading Le Petit Quotidien, the headline read "Egyptions, in revolt, throw out their president" with an inside that answers questions and offers basics about the country
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Fonte: Associação Mundial de Jornais e Editores de Periódicos - WAN-IFRA
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